Tag Archives: Baker

R3: Psi*Run and Player-Driven Conflict

I picked up Psi*Run at PAX East last year, after seeing Vincent Baker and Meguey Baker in a few panels and hearing a few things off-and-on about it. When I stopped by their table, Meguey wasn’t available, but I was able to talk to Vincent about Psi*Run and he easily sold me on it.

I read the book shortly afterwards, put it down with a “Hm, interesting,” and kept an eye out for a time I thought would be good to pull it out and convince a group to play, half fearing it would end up shelved like Do by my regular gaming group, perhaps lacking the apparent strength to build up interest like some of the bigger, grittier games I’d coerced them into playing.

Eventually though, I did get the chance to play. Around Halloween half a year later, I GMed for a group of friends relatively new to RPGs with the promise that it was “kind of like amnesiac X-Men on the run.” It’d been a while since I’d read the rules so I looked them over again quickly, managed to find some paper for the trail, and we got started. Very quickly I learned that, though I’d realized this game was different, I hadn’t really understood just how streamlined the game would play.

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